What do I need to do to become a preceptor?
- Get permission from your professor to become a preceptor.
- Many instructors are unfamiliar with using preceptors, so students can direct them to this site, and also offer ideas about how using preceptors can complement their course.
- Enroll via UAccess for our PTYS 297A or PTYS 397A.
- PTYS 297A and PTYS 397A are both online workshops. Our instructors want to see each student succeed - so if you have any hesitations about wanting to learn online, feel free to reach out to our Instructional Specialist, Hannah Edwards, at hedwards@lpl.arizona.edu.
- Our workshop does not start until the 4th week of undergraduate classes. If you need to sign up after the close of the UAccess Open Enrollment period, email Hannah Edwards (hedwards@lpl.arizona.edu) or Dr. Stephen Kortenkamp (kortenka@lpl.arizona.edu) to enroll.
- Fill out a contract with your professor. So that both you and your professor are clear on your duties and expectations as a preceptor, we will give you a contract to fill out with your professor via D2L.
- Once you are enrolled, you are now a preceptor!
How are the PTYS 297A or PTYS 397A workshops graded?
The workshop letter grade is determined in the following way:
- 33.3% of your final grade is based on the completion of agreed-upon preceptor duties in your supervising instructor's course (if you are not a preceptor, this portion is replaced by your professional development project)
- 66.7% of your final grade is based on your participation in the Leadership & Professional Development Workshop